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Dogs and Animals View in Industrial Estates

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Look at below image about some animals and dogs which come in Industrial Estates and move freely. You can imagine that the estates are especially made for Industry and software. This is the high class society estates and here you will view all the animals are moving freely in these estates.

All the animals lives here and disturb because some are pet and some are not. Animals are pets but dogs are not pets. Look below the images:

Animals are in Industrial EstatesAnimals are in Industrial Estates

Dogs in Industrial EstatesDogs in Industrial Estates

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Behavior Problems in Dogs by

Monday, November 3, 2008
I want to show a article which is very interesting for dog owner from dog behaviour point of view. The article deals dogs bheaviour very effectively. Read from yourself about that:

"There are many behavioral problems in dogs that leave us wondering: Why are they doing that? What are the causes and what can I do to stop such behavior? Some of the more frequently reported behavioral problems are described below.

Destructive behavior

Destructive behavior is one of the most common complaints from dog owners, and hence necessitates the most in-depth discussion. A dog quickly ceases to be ‘man’s best friend’ when he/she scratches up a prized rug, chews up a favourite sweater, or eats an expensive pair of shoes. Destructive behavior is due to many causes, including separation anxiety. Many owners are gone from the house for many hours during the day, and the result is that the dog has more opportunity to develop destructive behavior The problem with this is that owners come home and see the chewed object and will punish the dog at that time. The dog will not associate the act of destruction to the punishment because they will not understand exactly why you are upset. They will act ‘guilty’ because they know you are upset, but they will not associate your anger with their act of destroying the object. Therefore, do not punish a dog for its behavior unless you catch him in the act.

Another reason for destructive behavior is lack of environmental stimulation. Boredom may be a cause, or at least a contributing factor, especially in young or large dogs that do not receive adequate exercise. Dogs need environmental stimulation. Obtaining a second pet or providing interesting and interactive toys for the dog may help. For example, a hollow toy filled with solid treats or peanut butter encourages the dog to interact with the ball to get at the treats.

Finally, destructive behavior could also occur due to barrier frustration. This may result if the dog has been punished by being put in a closed room or into a fenced yard, or it may be caused by the presence of something very desirable on the other side of the barrier. In these cases, the dog will try hard to break through the barrier and may destroy the door frame or door knobs, for example.

To treat destructive problems, one must determine the exact cause of the behavior and remedy this cause accordingly. For example, a young dog that is chewing furniture but not doorways is mostly likely in need of more environmental stimulation. Increasing exercise, providing another animal companion, putting the radio on, decreasing anxiety, or giving chew toys only when the owners are away are other treatments.

Preventing such behavior from developing is always easier than trying to treat it afterwards. Puppy owners should avoid giving the puppy old shoes or a piece of rug to chew on because the animal will not be able to differentiate between an old sneaker and the new leather dress shoe. Dog toys should be provided, but they should be a type and texture that the dog can easily distinguish from forbidden objects. It is also a good idea to be consistent when presenting toys to the dog and make it obvious that the toy indeed belongs to the dog. Puppies should be left in their crate when the owners are more..."
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"Do reptiles make a good pet?" From Articles

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The articles was published in a UK major site that was for Pet related. It was a good topic and after the research and survey about dogs. The reference was from BBC news paper. Article is here in its original material:

"Recent news articles report a rise in the interest of keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets since the popular new BBC series presented by David Attenborough, Life in Cold Blood. Reptiles and amphibians are fascinating creatures, with an awesome diversity of strategies for adapting to their environment. Consequently they have exacting care requirements too, and buying them as pets on a whim can result in possible suffering and eventual catastrophe for owner and pet alike.

Shy creatures

The majority of reptiles are vulnerable to predators, and therefore quite shy. Holiday makers abroad will recollect that lizards are usually spotted darting from sight or freezing to minimise the risk of detection. Excessive handling can be detrimental to reptile welfare. Even larger snakes, such as the Ball Python, can suffer stress in captivity if they lack a hiding place.

Many reptiles are at least partially dependent on external heat sources, and also require UV-B light for metabolism of Vitamin D. Without light of the correct wavelength, healthy bones cannot be maintained. Novice owners may fail to appreciate the importance of correct lighting so, sadly, skeletal problems are very common in captive reptiles. They like a heat source for basking, but unless carefully selected and combined with correct ambient temperature, heat sources can produce serious burns.

So should you have a reptile as a pet?

Consider it carefully. You will need to do a great deal of research and be prepared to buy and regularly replace equipment, such as lights and heaters. Reptiles are not cats or dogs; your local vet is unlikely to have in-depth knowledge of reptile more..."
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Dogs Health and Information on Disease

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
About the dogs health a survey in the UK has been started. It was published in a news According to its,

"More than 70,000 dog owners attached to 180 breed clubs are being asked to return information on disease, cause of death, birth defects, and other data.

The Kennel Club-backed survey will give the best picture yet of the frequency of breed-specific illnesses, such as the deafness seen in some Dalmatians.

It is hoped the data can then be used to develop new testing and breeding programmes to eliminate the conditions.

"Much of the information we have now is largely anecdotal," said Dr Jeff Sampson, the Kennel Club's canine genetics co-ordinator.

"The intention of the survey is to get - for the very first time - a real feel for the diseases that are out there and how frequently they occur.

"Breeders could then consider this information when selecting mates to put together and we would have a baseline against which we can measure improvements that might result from future health... Read More

In this survey DNA test of Dogs, case and affect etc. all the things has been include to proper health care of dogs.
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“Dealing With a Difficult Dog” Take a Look

Sunday, October 5, 2008
From an online article site I am going to explain some dealing with difficult dogs from the article, “dealing with a difficult dog”

When you brought him home, you just knew that cute little puppy was going to brighten your family's life in many different ways! You visualized him running with the children in the backyard, curled up at your feet on a winter's night in front of the fire, and as an always-cheerful companion for everyone in the house.

You didn't expect biting. You certainly didn't anticipate his aggressive personality. You never dreamt he would make it his life's mission to destroy clothing and furniture. You didn't plan for the random barking or the wanton disobedience. Whether you were ready for it or not, you own a difficult dog.

There is undoubtedly a temptation to give up. You may feel as though you are simply trapped with a "naughty dog." Some may even consider the highly inappropriate route of abandoning a pet under these circumstances. Neither of these solutions, however, is good for the dog or the owner. Instead, one must be determined that they will work with their difficult dog to improve the situation. Making that commitment is the essential first step in dealing with any difficult dog.

But then what? There is no one-size-fits all solution for handling a difficult dog. Like people, each dog's personality and needs are unique. There are four overarching things you need to do, however, if you want your dog to live a happy life and to be a pleasurable companion for you.

Seek Out Information

That small ten-page dog-training pamphlet you picked up at the pet store along with the leashes is not going to enough of a guide to training your difficult dog. Seek out detailed and expertly written information about dog training and specific methods to assist you in training your difficult pet. Canvass the library, bookstores and the internet in the pursuit of knowledge and tips that can help you deal with your specific pet problems. Although one must avoid researching at the expense of doing, it is important to have a strong understanding of your dog, his problems, and potential means of addressing his behavioral deficiencies.

Make Sure Your Dog Is Healthy

Often, behavioral problems can be a manifestation of an underlying health problem. Consider the possibility that your dog's behavior issues could be symptomatic of a physical problem. Make sure your dog is thoroughly checked out by a veterinarian. If a medical issue is underlying his poor behavior, proper treatment can rectify many of his problems-as well as helping to insure a long healthy life for your dog. Too often, medical causes of poor behavior go overlooked.

Be Patient

Don't expect your problem dog to transform overnight. Changing the behavior patters of difficult dogs can take some time. If you expect the quick course that worked in training your neighbor's non-problem dog to be successful for your difficult pet, you will be disappointed. Brace yourself to commit a great deal of time to correcting your dog's errant behavior. Additionally, impatience increases the risk of inconsistency in training and the likelihood you may lose your temper or act inappropriately in handling your dog. This type of behavior on the part of an owner may not only be cruel, it can also reverse any gains made and make quality training even more difficult.

Seek Assistance

Sometimes a dog simply requires professional training assistance. If you have tried to manage the situation unsuccessfully and feel you are at a dead end, you must consider utilizing a professional dog trainer. Quality professionals have wide-reaching experience and may be able to isolate training methods that will be effective for your particular dog. You may need to hire a trainer on a regular basis. At there very least, you may plan on consulting with a trainer regularly.

By learning more, keeping a close eye on your dog's physical health, remaining patient and seeking professional guidance when necessary, you can improve the quality of life for your behaviorally challenged dogs. The little puppy you brought home in hopes of having the perfect pet still has a chance at that happy life if you follow these recommendations and commit to treating the dog properly and training him effectively. By committing yourself to your dog's training and well being you may end up with just the happy, content and cheerful companion you wanted all along.

Source From: Dog Article courtesy of
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“The Importance Of Socializing Puppies, community article” – My Comment

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Recently I was study a online magazine about puppies and their socializing. I found this article,
“There are several aspects of training when it comes to owning a dog or a puppy. You of the most important training steps you should undertake is socialization. There are two parts to socialization training: first you have to socialize the dog to be around other pets, second you have to make sure they are friendly around strangers. If you forgo socialization training for your dog you are setting yourself up for a difficult road. Dogs that have not been socialized properly may be aggressive towards strangers and other pets. In most cases around strangers they will be shy and hide in your home. So what does socialization training include?

Socialization is allowing your dog to be around other humans and pets. We will first look at the human side of things. To socialize your dog properly for human interaction you should teach the dog commands for how to sit, stay, and to recognize your voice. The best training is often just talking to your dog. This allows them to realize your voice. They will be able to distinguish your nuances for those of others. They will also be able to learn your smell, which can help them feel more comfortable in a social situation. You also want to train them on how to let a human approach. Many individuals just walk up and want to pet your dog, and do so without asking. This can be dangerous if the dog hasn't been socialized. It is best to teach the dog to sit and stay while allowing a human to pet them. The more contact they have with different humans the more they will be attuned to allowing friends to get close. As a guard dog you may not want to overly work the socialization with humans. It will of course depend on the reason you have the pet. It is best if they are always wary of strangers, but understand that aggression is not warranted.

For socialization with other pets you have two choices in training. First you can go to a training school where there will be other dogs. In these instances the dog gets to be in an environment with dogs working as they are. They can also feel a little more secure with the handlers being right there, and knowing they are there for work. Socialization with other pets is often letting the dogs meet one another and analyze the situation. For most dog breeds it is easier to socialize them with other dogs rather than other pets. You can also go to a dog park and allow other dogs to play while you sit around and watch them. You can of course interact if you feel the need.

When socializing with non canine pals it is best to bring the dog home as a puppy. If they are just six weeks or a little older they tend to do better around the other animals rather than introducing another type of animal later on. You will find that if you bring home the dog and cat at the same time socialization training may go well, than if you introduce a cat later on. Some dog breeds do not do well even after socialization training with other non canine pets. The instincts of these dogs is to hunt small animals, which means the dogs tend to play rough or just hunt. It is always best to check with a dog breeder if you have questions regarding the non canine species."

Its source is : It was most interesting for me that is why I am sharing it.
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Cats and Cats Activities

Friday, September 12, 2008
Like dogs, cats are also very active. Cats origins are consider by tiger genesis. I want to share some image which is related to cat’s activities. I have seen cats in various modes and their mode.

Here is some cat’s image which will tell you all about them:Cartoons CatPlaying CatsAngry CatDancing CatsCat Looking for Food

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One story of dog's friendship

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I am talking about friendship with dogs. Recently I watched a old Bollywood movie. That was “Doodh Ka Karz”. Hero was Jakie Shraph. In the film I saw friendship with dog. Basically that was loyalty of dog.

After the death of dog's owner dog was taking revenge from the enemy. I was amazed seeing that great friendship because lastly all the enemy was finished by that dog. That dog was very beautiful and in black colour.

Like as I have enjoyed with some dogs when I was in my childhood. Dogs are by nature very friendly. It is loving and caring people pet.
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About puppies pet

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Puppies are small dog you can say. People keep them as a pet because they look very good. Friendship with puppies I see in Hollywood movies that were based on puppies. Those puppies were in the problem so they call for help themselves with a goat. After that from a wolves.

I think puppies are more intelligent than dogs. In spite of they are their small face. I see them in one more move – Men in Block. They are as an alias in that move. That is why I am talking about puppies.

In my previous post I have already written about them. Here I want to disclose about them some thing new. I am trying to read them. I am trying to research on them. How they fast and other from dogs.

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Now Pet owners are also friends

Sunday, August 10, 2008
By the social network on the friend we were able to make friend on the web. It was by the revolution in web. It was the web2.0. Concept by which we were able to gather people on online and interact them on web. Now, a website DoggySpace is available for pets also. It is one step ahead.

We, human being were only able to reach on web. Now, pets and their family will also be on the net. The DoggySpace like other social networking sites, MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube etc. will be able to organize their video, will share their image, will spare their mood and thought by their owner. You can watch a video about that site from YouTube…

About it I can say dogs, cats and other pet will be also popular like human being and a society will be for them after some time. They will not for road now more. This practice will make human to adopt them.
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Friendship with Pets video

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pets are also our friends, the blog says. So, all the posts are related to pets care, friendship with them, expression with them, emotions sharing with them; now I am going to post some video from YouTube which will be on pets friendship.

I am also explaining their emotions which is inside them. Pets like as friends are good because they help us in various ways.

Original taping of Dogs and Cats are Friends...

Kittens and Puppies : Best Friends...

Cat Friends...

After seeing the video you can able to consider that really pets also make friends however they compromise their enemy.
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Cats can be a good friend

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Like dogs, cat can be also a good friend. Friendship with cats nowadays is famous. They are now not for out of our house they are for now our in house. In many films we can say their importance also. They participated a great role.


With cats we can talk, make them friends etc. They care our and our house also. They hate from mouse. They indicate also our life future also. Black cats are liked by most with brown eyes. To get a cat we can buy from online or market also.

Cats are available now online shops also. However, we can get them from our neighborhood or on street. Some street cats are very sharp. Make friends cats they will helpful for us.

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For Dogs live

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Street Dogs

We know there was a organization of dog killer. Dog killer was not a organization in real sense that was a programme of MCD. Street dogs was killed by them to keep street clean and for human living. But it is not now like that. Now, street dogs are safe.

We find a person who is Menka Gandhi. She loves dogs and care them. It is known that she is familiar with dogs. She has introduced many symptoms of dogs. After that there is love with dogs. They are not out of us. They are part of our life also.

Dogs keeping as a pet nowadays a status symbol. That is why they are now not only for street but also they are for our room also.

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Pets and their introductions

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pets are our friends, if they are pet. They are today not only for zoo but also liked by us and living together us. There are many pets which liked by us.

They are – dogs, cats, parrot, cow, horse, ox etc. which we like as a pet. But in most of metropolitan city dogs, cats are famous as a pet. Girls always like dog and cats to pet them.

In rural area there are trend to pet cow, horse or ox because they are beneficial to us. They are useful to us also. We are getting work and food by them.

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