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Images of Talking Cows in a Market

Monday, August 24, 2009
Yes, you can feel cow’s talking when they are in market. I think they know the situation of human being thought. They don’t want to disturb. So, let’s enjoy with some images of talking cows.

Walking Cows

Talking Cows

Cows in Market
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Pets are only private?

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Always we think that pets are private property. I want to ask that is their foods are also private. Once I saw some pigeon in a town. They were collecting foods. Can you tell me about them that all these are private?

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Enjoy with Duck Pet

Monday, February 9, 2009
Recently, I visited in a lake. It was very big. I have some memory from there to share on my pet blog. It is related to pet because I think duck are also pets. In my previous post I have already justified that Pigeon are also pet.

I have to share something related to make pet duck. What circumstances are needed to make duck pet? Surely, you should an open water area if you want to make them pet.

Why I like them as a pet? Because they can share a great enjoyment with you. You can swim with them. You can take boating enjoyment with them etc.

I am going to share some images of duck pet by that you could be able to think sincerely about them.

swimming duck

lots of duck in water

boating with duck

enjoy with duck
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Pigeon pet on my roof

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Today, I am going to share one of the stories about pigeon which comes on my roof. They are not my pet but I am trying to make them my own pet. There is some way to keep them pet. I know it’s very honestly because it is related to my childhood. When I was in my childhood I tried to catch them and I was successful.

Now, I am out of my childhood. Everyday I see some pigeon on my roof. They wait for their couple; they talk to each other and them playing also. I see all the things very calmly. One day I thought to participate with them. I went through them and gave some rice. They were fear some days but after some days they became my friend.

Now, I will share some photo which I have taken on their activities. You can these images below:

Pigeon - Waiting for her friendPigeon Looking for her friend!!!

I am talking with PigeonPigeon : Talking with me!!!

Pigeon - waiting for foodPigeon : Waiting for Food Response!!!

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