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About puppies pet

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Puppies are small dog you can say. People keep them as a pet because they look very good. Friendship with puppies I see in Hollywood movies that were based on puppies. Those puppies were in the problem so they call for help themselves with a goat. After that from a wolves.

I think puppies are more intelligent than dogs. In spite of they are their small face. I see them in one more move – Men in Block. They are as an alias in that move. That is why I am talking about puppies.

In my previous post I have already written about them. Here I want to disclose about them some thing new. I am trying to read them. I am trying to research on them. How they fast and other from dogs.

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Now Pet owners are also friends

Sunday, August 10, 2008
By the social network on the friend we were able to make friend on the web. It was by the revolution in web. It was the web2.0. Concept by which we were able to gather people on online and interact them on web. Now, a website DoggySpace is available for pets also. It is one step ahead.

We, human being were only able to reach on web. Now, pets and their family will also be on the net. The DoggySpace like other social networking sites, MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube etc. will be able to organize their video, will share their image, will spare their mood and thought by their owner. You can watch a video about that site from YouTube…

About it I can say dogs, cats and other pet will be also popular like human being and a society will be for them after some time. They will not for road now more. This practice will make human to adopt them.
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Friendship with Pets video

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pets are also our friends, the blog says. So, all the posts are related to pets care, friendship with them, expression with them, emotions sharing with them; now I am going to post some video from YouTube which will be on pets friendship.

I am also explaining their emotions which is inside them. Pets like as friends are good because they help us in various ways.

Original taping of Dogs and Cats are Friends...

Kittens and Puppies : Best Friends...

Cat Friends...

After seeing the video you can able to consider that really pets also make friends however they compromise their enemy.
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